This infographic highlights the behavioral milestones of children from age s 2 to 5 years old, healthy tips for pickey eaters, a chart of mealtime and feeding tips for toddlers to make sure they get the nutrients he or she needs for growth and development.
Get your FREE Nutrition and Picky Eating Tips for Toddlers Printable Download Today!

Additional Learning Opportunities
Love your visits to Play Boutique, but want more structured learning opportunities? Play Boutique is home to Peake Academy, a unique learning community that offers both onsite classes and a digital preschool. If you like coming to play with us, you’ll love learning with Peake Academy!
Hello! I'm Kelley Peake
A dedicated visionary with big ideas, Kelley is a passionate educator and entrepreneur who truly loves her work. She’s always creating community, forever encouraging others, and brimming with gratitude.
Drawing on her decades of experience in education and business, Kelley is known for inspiring those around her to find their best selves and then using that to empower their ability to make a difference in children's lives.
Kelley loves walking in every city she visits, spending time at the lake with those she cares about, and has never met a glass of champagne she didn't like.
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